Bye Bye Laws

Whatever They Are

May 28, 2012

A way to ease confusion over El Parque’s bylaws in relation to Mexican condominium law and dubious applications or lack thereof might be to note the manner in which those bylaws came about.

The process of obtaining government approval for establishment of El Parque’s condominium was long and arduous, stretching from 2001 through 2005. I vaguely recollect some of the steps involved. One was obtaining an initial bylaw set needed for condo legal recognition.

The Internet provided what would become those starter bylaws. A condo in the USA had its online. There was probably less interest then in content than approval. They were copied and translated from English to Spanish.

Translation, when properly done, if such is possible, involves more than substituting words and switching grammar. Language is the bearer of culture and can only be fully understood within its own. Something is always lost or invented in translation.

However imperfect, we knew we had bylaws in October 2003. Our escritura publico (property deed) said so and bid us grant them heed. That they were in Spanish, as legally required, also fit El Parque´s original concept.

That was for marketing primarily to families from Guadalajara. A few from there had already made the choice. Club house presentations to interest more were planned but never occurred.

Buyers ventured south bearing money, speaking words of English, and acting in manners more appropriate to origin than destination. El Parque rapidly sold out, perhaps in more than one way.

An informal meeting in preparation for the initial general assembly and election was held in April 2005. Many told how they knew all about condominiums. Rules piled on rules were suggested.

The first official meeting of the El Parque Association took place a week later. An election ensued. There was a condo with board of directors, a construction and technical control committee, and bylaws few could read.

That so many knew so much about condominiums was insufficient for smooth operation. Spanish bylaws would not do. In February 2006, Jim Rizzo and Louise Williamson presented their translation to English of the Spanish bylaws that had been translated to Spanish from the English of the “how we do it up north” condo.

Now El Parque’s inhabitants were relieved of having concerns over complicated and little understood foreign escrituras and civil codes in a funny language. And so it has been. “Ignorance is bliss” somebody said.

very well said. unfortunately the people that need to understand the content are the very same people that are content with more and more regulation over others. let the "sheeple" beware, it doesn't take long to abridge their liberties.

t.gibbard casa 90

posted by Anonymous : 8:21 AM, May 30, 2012

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